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Petitions for Removal from Sex Offender Registry

Our firm specilizes in filing petitions in Superior Court to remove clients from the Georgia sex offender registry. There are many people on the registry for relatively minor offenses that should not be there. There are also people on the registry that committed only one sex offense, but are still forced to register for the rest of thier lives.

These are the main classes of people that are eligible to be removed from the registry:

a. Level I sexual offenders

b. Level II sexual offenders who have been finished with thier parole/parobation for at least 10 years

c. Misdemeanor sex offense convictions

d. Kidnapping or false imprisonment of a minor convictions

This is not an exhaustive list, and you may be able to be removed from the registry even if you are not in these specific categories.

If you are seeking to be removed from the sex offender registry, give us a call for a consultation at (678) 862-9344.